Tuesday, July 12, 2011

my website

1.- On scale of 1 to 10 i will rate my own project with an 9.
2.- In this project i think i had a good creativity.
3.-Yes it turn like i thought it would.
4.- I'm the most proud of my creativity.
5.- in fact that I'm done with this class, this class went really good to me.

Monday, June 27, 2011


1.- On scale of 1 to 10 i can rate this project by 7.
2.- I don't think it take longer than i thought it would, i think it took shorter.
3.- If i do my project again y think i will change the zebra skin for something else.
4.- I'm thinking about the creativity in this project and i don't think it is pretty cool, but not that bad either.
5.- And for the last this class is so cool and is going great.

Friday, June 24, 2011


1.- In scale of 1 to 10 i rate my own project like 9 i think it was good.
2.- in this project i didn't have any unexpected.
3.- i didn't think i can do it and i did it so that's what I'm the most proud.
4.- my favorite aspect of this project is cropping the imagen.
5.- this clas is going great for me.


1.-in scale of 1 to 10 i grade my work as an 8 i think is kind of good.
2.- in this project i thought it would not that long, i took more time then i though.
3.- im proud that i did well in this project.
4.- my favorite  aspect on this project is when you distort and blur the smoke.
5.- this clas is goin perfect to me.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


1.- On an scale of 1 to 10 i can rate my work as an 8.
2.- My work turn like i though it would 
3.- My fsvorite aspect in this project is put in the color in the imagen
4.- i think i had a good creativity in this 
5.- this class is going really cool for me

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1.-One of the things that I'm most proud of is that learned this things like the instructor say.  
2.-In scale of 1-10 a rate my projecte with a 9. *_-
3.-I think i had a good creativity in this project.
4.-One of my favorite thins on this project is finding the texture and aplying it.
5.- This class is going preaty easy for me and i'm having a good time.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Morphing Creatures

I think didn't have somenthing that i  expect in my picture and this is the last step when you do a new layer and paint it with the paint bucket tool and it would give a better look of the details, but my picture couldn't have it it just turn like a black shape with the opacity low. but i think it is still good.

I didn't think that finding the pictures will take that long. I took so long trying to figure out what creature i was going to do, that stress a little bit but i did okay.

If i would do the picture different i would choose another bird and try to take a better look of that details.

In my opinion i will rate this project by 7.

In my own opinion i don't have too much creativity and i think my project is okay. the only thing is that i had fun looking for the pictures and try to make that creature look real.